Feminine Identity and Ethnicity in Musical History of Tabriz from 1906 to 2021

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor at Department of Translation Studies- Islamic Azad University of Tabriz Masters of Ethno-musicology- Fine Art University of Tehran

2 Music department, Faculty of Fine Art, University of Tehran


Feminine Identity and Ethnicity in Musical History of Tabriz
The Turks of Iran has had winding history since Constitution revolution until the present era. During the mentioned period (1906-2020) art and culture- including music and its related issues, always have moved along with political and social movements. In a parallel look into the social history, executors and audiences of Azerbaijani Music, two important points could be observed. First, since the boycott era and marginalizing the language and music of Azerbaijan, protecting these elements has been considered as protection of culture and identity of Azerbaijanis. women have provided a definition for their feminine and social identity. In the present research that has been carried out based on published history and documents, personal archive of the authors and interview with some informed Azerbaijani musicians, first we will review the history and musical incidents of the late Constitution era, then we will study the presence of the women in the mentioned era of Azerbaijan history, especially Tabriz. Finally we will analyze the elements of Azerbaijani identity of women in both historical eras from the structural perspective and focusing on concept of identity.
Keyword: Musician women, Azerbaijan, Tabriz, Social Identity, Cultural Identity, Feminine identity


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