Entrepreneurship and Rural Development in Global Age: A Case Study of Hamedan Province

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Scholarship in Agriculture Education and Extension Department, Agriculture Faculty, Bu Ali-Sina University, Hamadan

2 Associate Professor in Agriculture Education and Extension Department, Agriculture Faculty, Bu Ali-Sina University, Hamadan

3 Assistant Professor in Agriculture Education and Extension Department, Agriculture Faculty, Bu Ali-Sina University, Hamadan


The present study with a qualitative approach aimed to investigate and analyze rural entrepreneurship in the era of globalization. The theoretical orientation of the paper is based on the Arturo Escobar’s Triple Model for fixation and institutionalization of development. The main goal of paper was to form and present a theoretical alternative for the mainstream classical economic and industrial rural entrepreneurship that is drawn on the orthodox-positivistic characteristics such as self-interest, rational choice, profit and globalized values which carry a hegemonic power. Based on the grounded theories, some key research questions were drawn. The research data was gathered through deep interviews. For this purpose, a number of twenty entrepreneurs, experts and practitioners in agricultural and rural sector were purposefully selected in Hamedan province by both theoretical and maximum variation sampling methods. Textual data analysis was done by a content analysis method using a strategy of theoretical coding (open, and axial). The results showed that the interviewees imply that entrepreneurship and globalization are two important factors in the economic area which are defined and explained with elements include competition, benefit, productivity, privatization, and technology. The subjective and cultural issues such as rural traditions and lived-experiences don’t play a role in the ideas of respondents. Finally, the research proposes the concept of "anthropological rural entrepreneurship" instead of economical entrepreneurship. This new type or version of entrepreneurship is embedded within the broad context of rural as an organic environment of social relations. 
