Social Reconstruction of War Damaged Areas: Narrating Reshaping of Rural Identical Societies in three Villages, Njmar, Qalaji and Qalagah

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor assistant of sociology of rural development, faculty of social sciences, University of Tehran, Iran

2 P.HD of sociology of development studies, University of Tehran, Faculty of social sciences


One of very important issues after catastrophes like war is the reconstruction of damages and also rebuilding the social life at the hurting society. 
The present article is aimed at addressing reconstruction of those rural communities of Kurdistan province which destroyed during Iraq and Iran war. The fieldwork has been done in three villages: Njmar, Qalajee, Qalagah. Using qualitative methods, this research focuses on those people's experiences that have been affected by war and its damages. Our approach is a people-based approach; by which we distance from national level attitudes and come closer to local perceptions. So adopting a multi-dimension perspective, the present study goes beyond the up-to-down approach and addresses the social issues. We addressed the social reconstruction in its six dimensions including social capital, social commitment, social confidence, social solidarity, social coexistence, cultural cpital. Our findings suggest that reconstruction plan targeted the war-affected villages had mainly a physical approach and did not considered social dimensions. However, we are witnessing a kind of down-to-up social reconstruction which is achieved by local communities. Continuance and endurance of these rural communities owes to high levels of social capital, social commitment, social confidence, social solidarity, and social coexistence. These social assets can facilitate continuation of reconstruction and development of war-affected regions. One of the important points in the area of life and social relations at these villages is the existence of solidarity and peace before war. Stablishing a strong and solid society, behind building well-structured buildings that can resist risks, also includes social commitment, social solidarity, coexistence and uniformity and peace between individuals and different social groups.
