Local consumption Cultures and Global Commodities An Ethnographic Study of the Confrontation between the Local culture and Global Commodities in Baneh

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant professor,depateman of sociology, Kurdistan University

2 MA, sociology. Kurdistan University


The present article aims to conduct an ethnographic study of the confrontation between the local culture and global commodities in Baneh. Theoretically, this article suggests that confrontation with the global should be understood in relation to neoliberal market, Identityand collective ideologies. Thus,while carrying out a participant observation,we interviewed fifteen people in Baneh. The results indicate that a) local consumption culturesare mostly affected by market ideologies and its advertisement mechanisms, and the role of national and religious forms in the construction of meaning is limited by market. Therefore, globalization and global commoditieshave shaped a standard consumption culture that contains specific meanings which are different from the local culture ,b) the local consumption without confrontation culture hasto accept the logic of the market,and d) local culture confrontsthe marketization and commercialization of local public sphere and private spheres.This process leads to moral reactions and identity and popular strategies of adaptation.
