The Reflection of Qajar Gender Discourse Transformation on the Acting and Spatial Systems of Aristocratic Houses (Case Study: Aristocratic Houses in Qazvin)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD candidate in Architecture, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Technical Engineering, Yasooj University, Yasooj, Iran.


The cultural transformation of women's and men's relations with each other during the Qajar period, that owes it to cultural relations with Europe, has also changed the acting and spatial systems of houses. The purpose of this research is to study the Reflection of Qajar gender discourse transformation on the acting and spatial systems of aristocratic houses. Therefore, the main question of the research is that: How does the transformation of gender discourse in the middle of Qajar period affect the transformation of acting and spatial systems of houses? The research methods are descriptive-analytical, interpretive-historical, and surveying methods and the research process is as follow: the common gender discourse in Qajar community and its transformation were identified from validated books and articles. Then, based on these data, the acting and spatial systems of houses were investigated and it was determined that which sections of these systems were organized on the basis of gender discourse; In next step, the reflection of Qajar gender discourse transformation on the acting and spatial systems of house was examined. Then five aristocratic houses of early and late Qajar era in Qazvin were selected to provide more comprehensive answers to the above questions by deep interviews, field observations and library studies. The research results showed that, after the transformation of gender discourse, the acting system was transformed more inside the houses and men participated in women's interior collective activities; while up to the end of the Qajar period, women were not allowed to have wide activities outside the houses. Moreover, after the transformation of gender discourse the interior part of houses also grew further, and, in addition of providing the possibility of men and women meeting, men also brought their economic activities in these parts, and thus, the exterior parts of houses lost their previously defined function.
