Anthropological Study of the Way of Representing Alterity and Social Distinction in Sanandaj

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Tehran, Tehran. Iran.

2 MA Student in Anthropology, University of Tehran, Tehran. Iran.


In this study, we have examined alterity and social distinction among the people of Sanandaj and their relation with the present language species on the field. Our questions are: What does the Sanandaj / non Sanandaj dual mean to the people of Sanandaj? What are the roots of this alterity? How is the alterity represented? What is the role of language in this representation? Optimality theory in linguistic anthropology has been used to answer these questions. The data shows that the dominant group uses symbols to maintain a distinction that ensures their superiority in different fields; One of which is language. They assume that optimal processes, such as weakening, are due to the cognitive weakness of subordinate groups and they judge them. The dominant group is trying, through communication, behavioral and marginalizing mechanisms, to force the subordinate group to accept its cultural superiority. The subordinate group is trying to change its behavioral patterns and to use the language simulation mechanism to get rid of discrimination and marginalization.
