The Place of Rituals in Treating Diseases by Comparing Malinowski and Eliade’s Comments about Essence and Function of Ritual (Zār Ritual in Hormozgān and Khūzestān)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 tehran university of art

2 Tehran university of art


A vast majority of specialists in the field of rites are of the belief that the ritual is a phenomenon that they can NOT recognize unless they observe it. Most of the rituals have elements in common but differ in their function and purpose. One type of ritual that plays a significant role in human life in many cultures with different religions is the “Healing Ritual”. Since mankind and its needs, in particular, the issue of healing in a therapeutic phenomenon is important during the process of studying therapeutic rituals carried out by theologians, ethnologists, and anthropologists, all aspects of the researches revolve around humans. For this reason, the dissertation aims to investigate two significant stands, one from the scientific view represented by Malinowski and the other from theologians represented by Eliade. In the process of this study, we get close to the possibility that biological humans and religious humans lie in a situation in which they are coincided in the critical moments, the ritual situation in which they take action to solve the crisis. The research methodology is based on field, documentary, and analytical studies. Regarding the field study, direct observation of the Zār therapeutic ritual, as well as interviews with local organizers & informants in this field have been conducted. Regarding the documentary study, Persian & English books, research papers, and documentaries relevant to the subject have been reviewed.


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