Transformation of Revolutionary and Religious Values between two Generations of Religious Families

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor at the Anthropology department/University of Tehran

2 university of tehran


Following the Islamic revolution of Iran and during the last decades we have been witnessing considerable changes in the value systems and religious beliefs هد different generations of urban families. The value orientation of the youth generation could show a landscape of our future society so we tried to investigate this issue.We used mix method and interview & questionnaire techniques. Using the purposive method we chose 40 families.The findings show that there are apparent distinctions between the religiousness of the first and second generation. Moreover our findings indicate the behavioral (ritual) aspect of religiousness has been changed far more than the other aspects and overall the religiousness of the first generation has been higher than the second one. The distinction has also had correlation with sex namely among women were more than men. Both generations criticized going away from the initial values of Islamic revolution and call returning in them but the second generation took more reflexive and critical approach in this regard. Regarding the approach to the political system, both generations had low trust to the governance but the trust of the second generation was lower.


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