Study of Social and Cultural Processes of Cashmere Branding in Yazd

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Yazd University


Today, a special term called "brand" is used to offer and introduce goods and services and compare them with other similar products. The present study seeks to investigate the social and economic contexts of cashmere branding in Yazd. This research seeks to answer the question of what steps cashmere weaving has taken in Yazd to achieve branding and what are the socio-cultural and economic factors of this branding. The method of the present study was qualitative and the underlying theory was used. And the statistical sample of the research of 11 experts and owners of famous cashmere brands has been selected by purposive sampling in Yazd. The results of data analysis show that the causal conditions affecting the branding of cashmere include the will to reprocess and change the cashmere and try to turn it from handmade and artistic goods and then into modern and machine goods with the aim of mass production. Yazidis 'hard work and transportation role and intervention conditions such as the role of traders and sellers' competition with each other, strategies of diversity in cashmere goods, variety in design and color of cashmere and consequences such as branding, specialness and uniqueness have caused cashmere branding.


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